Home Lifestyle Hypnotist Needed to Help Convert Meat-lover to Vegan Diet

Hypnotist Needed to Help Convert Meat-lover to Vegan Diet

man,s back

man,s back

A leading vegan resource platform is seeking to recruit a hypnotist to help convert a customer’s partner to a plant-based diet in time for Thanksgiving.

The customer in question emailed Vegan Liftz last week, after numerous failed attempts to get their partner to even sample vegan cuisine. She is willing to pay as much as $1,000 for the right hypnotist if they believe that hypnotherapy really can help to remove her boyfriend’s ‘fear’ of vegan food in time for Thanksgiving with her ‘carnivore-hating’ family.

Hypnotists that are willing to help the customer can register their interest here: https://veganliftz.com/hypnotist-needed-to-help-remove-mans-fear/

The woman declares that she genuinely loves her partner, but this mental barrier to even try vegan dishes is forming a rift in an otherwise perfect relationship. After discussing hypnotherapy as a couple, apparently the boyfriend is willing to give it a go if it can save their relationship.

One of the main reasons she states that her boyfriend is hesitant to at least consider a vegan diet is a concern that it will impact his physique and gym routine through a lack of protein. This is despite the fact that studies have proven that a balanced vegetarian and vegan diet can provide sufficient levels of protein and amino acids*. Her boyfriend has also shared his concern around the textures of certain vegan-friendly foods like tofu and eggplant, and won’t eat them for fear of vomiting.

The refusal to try new foods, even into adulthood, can be caused by food neophobia, which is an overwhelming fear of new or unfamiliar foods. ‘Neophobia’ refers specifically to fear of new. While some ‘fussy’ eating is part of normal development up until the ages of seven or eight, it may be a sign of problems after that.

VeganLiftz.com is a vegan resource platform that provides science-backed information relating to the vegan diet and vegan fitness. Created by a team of fitness and health experts, the website provides the best possible evidence-based and actionable advice, so readers can learn about veganism and optimizing their health through a plant-based approach.

Jason Hughes, founder of VeganLiftz.com, said,

“It is one of our most common enquiries and part of the reason I had behind launching VeganLiftz in the first place; and that is simply that there is still a misconception that a plant-based diet can’t provide sufficient protein for bodybuilding and high intensity workouts. You only have to look at Patrick Baboumian, one of the world’s strongest men to see that it is entirely possible to achieve and even excel your fitness aspirations on a vegan diet.

“That may be a common enquiry, however this is the first time we have ever had anyone consider hypnotherapy! If there are any hypnotists out there that believe they can help in this situation, we would love for you to get in touch and save this relationship!”