Vegan Magazine

No Prescription Needed for Vegans to Boost Their B12 Levels


Eligen B12 is a new, easy, effective and clinically proven once-daily oral pill to treat your B12 levels safely at home. Eligen B12 is the first and only oral treatment clinically proven in studies to normalize B12 levels as effectively as B12 injections. Powerful SNAC technology delivers the vitamin directly into the bloodstream, making it absorb 2.5x better than OTC supplements.

4 out of 5 vegans are affected by low B12 levels, and those who eat a plant-based diet are typically devoid of vitamin B12. Living with this deficiency can affect mood, energy levels, and keep you from being the best version of yourself. With Eligen B12, it’s as simple as taking a pill to get you to a happier and healthier place.

There are many health benefits to having stable B12 levels including:

Having low B12 doesn’t just drain your energy. If undiagnosed or untreated, it can also be seriously harmful to your health. Eligen B12 ensures consistent B12 levels and steady energy throughout the day. Are you ready to stop feeling run down? There’s no prescription required, but always ask your doctor if you can make a switch.

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