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TRUTH with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 8

Truth Episode 8

Truth Episode 8

In Episode 8 of the weekly “TRUTH” series, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Vaxxed2’s Polly Tommey covered a wide range of topics including Dr. Fauci’s failures and dialed-back vaccine promises, toxic vaccine adjuvants, Bill Gates’ GAVI and loss of individual freedoms, annual flu death exaggerations and more.

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• Vaccines cannot be tested safely and vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.”
• One seizure from a vaccine side effect can cause lifelong brain damage. Vaccines can cause seizure disorders.
• 2009 GlaxoSmithKline declared Swine flu pandemic but it was non-existent; Swine flu vaccine caused epidemics of narcolepsy caused by the adjuvant. The rate of Swine flu was 7 times higher in people who got the vaccine, and also caused paralysis and death.
• Adjuvant that will be used in Covid 19 vaccine causes narcolepsy, a debilitating disease.
• Live virus vaccines actually spread the diseases.
• Manufacturer vaccine insert for Chicken pox which is a live virus vaccine says: If you take this vaccine, don’t go near pregnant women or immunocompromised people for 6 weeks.
• Flu vaccine spreads flu at 6 times the rate than you would get from unvaccinated person with the flu.
• Pertussis vaccine turns people into asymptomatic carriers who spread the virus.
• Dead virus vaccines didn’t work well so they had to add a horrendously toxic adjuvant so the body would freak out and develop antibodies against the virus. Vaccinologists began a search around the world for the most toxic substances know to man and they found mercury. They lied and said it was a preservative, when it was actually used as an adjuvant. Dr. Fauci – a public official – admitted it wasn’t a preservative but an adjuvant. It is illegal to use a toxin as an adjuvant, but there is no rule that toxic substances can’t be used as preservatives.
Mercury is 1000 times more neurotoxic than lead
• The “Vaccine Generation” began in 1989 – 2003
• In 2003, they took out mercury as the adjuvant and put in aluminum instead. But then the same year (2003) they put Mercury in the flu vaccine and mandated it to all children over 6 months of age, as well as to pregnant women.
• 161 million black children in Africa are still getting vaccines with Mercury in them.
You can’t take it out because Africans would complain that they are being targeted
• GAVI – The Vaccine Alliance – Bill Gates created the idea of vaccine passport chip – vaccine records, medical records embedded along with chip credit card system with MasterCard. It will not let you spend money unless you’re updated on all your vaccines. Gates says “we need to rid of cash” because digital currencies make it easier to manage populations. He uses the excuse that cash can spread a virus, but the real reason is to make billions off of transaction fees.
• People are treated like biohazards.
• Vaccine advocates are deliberately trying to frighten us all the time; they motivate by fear instead of with inspiration.
• The Flu shot is a fraud. 2000 people actually die from the flu each year, not the 47-90,000 they tell us which are actually pneumonia deaths. John Anthony Morris, MD, a bacteriologist and virologist who trained at Walter Reed Hospital, helped develop the flu vaccine, but when testing it 1976 said that the flu vaccine was fraudulent. He told bosses at NIH that it kills people, causes brain damage, makes people more likely to spread the flu, but he was told to shut up, or else. The Cochrane Collaboration and British Medical Journal confirmed flu shot is a fraud. Flu shots do not work and they are more likely to transmit the flu, more likely to cause respiratory illnesses.
• The corrupt media such as CNN systematically lies to protect the pharma paradigm.