Vegan Magazine

TRUTH with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 6

truth episode 6

In Episode 6 of the weekly “TRUTH” series, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Vaxxed2’s Polly Tommey took on the Mask Debate, Hydroxycloroquine, Media Censorship and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s conflicts of interest.

More information:


• The average vaccine requires a developmental timeline of 10.71 years and has a market entry probability of 6% (94% failure rate).
Bill Gates vision is a very dismal scary future
• Fauci said he doesn’t feel comfortable recommending hydroxychloroquine for Covid 19 until there is a double blind placebo study, but all 72 vaccine doses that are required for American children have never been subjected to a double blind placebo study.
• In studies, WHO used 3-5 times the dose of hydroxychloroquine which are deliberately lethal doses, sacrificing human beings for a political objective. Studies had to be retracted because of fraud.
• 5 employees of NIH taking money from Gilead under table
• We’ve had flu vaccine for 90 years. 1% effective means 100 flu shots to avert 1 case of flu.
• Flu vaccine makes you 6 times more likely to transmit flu.
• Zero evidence flu vaccine prevents deaths or hospitalizations according to Cochrane Collaboration and British Medical Journal (BMJ)
• Chances we’ll get an effective Covid vaccine is zero
• Moderna, Astra Zeneca funded by Gates – gave to monkeys – all of them got Covid-19 but still going ahead making a billion vaccines for the public. Fauci put another $500 million into it (NIH)
• Every virus becomes less lethal over time
• Bio Security is the new tool of tyrants and has now become the driving force
• 2016 Obama launched health policy – most dangerous concept because it can justify just about anything. No constitutional rights.
• Masks dehumanize people; we are being trained in obedience and compliance.
• We are being controlled by Gates and Fauci just like Hitler took control of Germany telling people there was something to be afraid of. Control by fear.
• Google is also in the vaccine business
• Bill Gates wants monopoly control. Bill Gates vision is like Hitler on steroids.
• Fauci is one of the most powerful people in the world in charge of allocating $6 billion in funds grants all over the world. Can defund an entire university. Can ruin scientists reputations and careers. Can dictate outcomes of studies no matter what the science actually says.
• Fauci advising on the flu shot is irresponsible and reckless.
• Gave soldiers flu shot and they became 36% more likely to get Covid-19.
• Pathogenic priming – 5 times more likely to get a non-flu infection.

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