Vegan Magazine

TRUTH with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Episode 5

Truth with RFK Jr

In Episode 5 of the weekly “TRUTH” series, RFK, Jr. spoke with Polly Tommey about the use of aborted fetal tissue in vaccines, Rachel Carson’s struggle to inform the public about the health risks from exposure to pesticides, and Mr. Kennedy’s long history of holding Monsanto accountable for its dangerous chemicals.

More information:


• The gruesome world of vaccines
• All vaccines are grown on animal tissue or aborted fetal tissue: bird’s eggs, monkey kidneys, Cocker Spaniels, insects, mouse brains…
• Animal DNA can get into human DNA, but insect DNA cannot
• Rockefeller invented the pharma industry; he was the Bill Gates of his time.
• Rachel Carson wrote bestsellers about ocean, 3rd book Silent Spring about DDT and chemical industry. Birds, animals, fish, insects disappearing wildlife, food chain, soil microbiome.
• Monsanto launched vicious personal attack on Rachel Carson, also Time, Life, Sports Illustrated, AMA, Garden Club – front group for Monsanto. Audubon Society – front group for industry
• JFK defended her, fought USDA
• USDA – Captive of Big Ag
• Monsanto’s DDT softened eggshells on Peregrine falcon so they couldn’t reproduce. 1972 DDT banned. DDT was Monsanto’s blockbuster flagship product.
• Glyphosate was used to clean the insides of metal tanks
• 1974 Monsanto patented Glyphosate, then used as environmental herbicide.
• 1994 Monsanto started gene splicing Roundup Ready corn. Everything green died except the corn. Became economical way to grow corn.
• 2006 growth spurt dessicant to dry out crop, accelerated harvest.
• 95% of Roundup used since 2006. Spraying it on food.
• Celiac appeared in 2006 when started spraying on wheat.
• NIH tested urine of pregnant women in 2015 and Glyphosate was found in 93% of women.
• It is and endocrine disruptor, causes cancer, DNA damage, allergies, kidney disease, ADHD, microbiome gut bacteria
• Monsanto claimed that Roundup was as safe as aspirin, you could even drink it! No warning about dangers for Non Hodgkins lymphoma
• Monsanto – evil culture of toxic chemicals.
• Over 1 million Indian farmers have committed suicide
• Bayer bought Monsanto for $63 billion, lost all their value, now total value of company is $63 billion

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