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TRUTH, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Episode 2

Truth with RFK Jr

Truth with RFK Jr

In Episode 2 of TRUTH, RFK, Jr. spoke with Polly Tommey about the health epidemics of children, delving even deeper into the specific injuries caused by vaccinations, including those listed on the product inserts. Discussion surrounded the fact that there is essentially no safety testing for vaccines; and, once citizens know this information and do their research, they become steadfast advocates who can’t turn away. The episode closed with a discussion of rights to refuse vaccinations and that parents shouldn’t be bullied!

More information: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/


• How Vaccines cause Allergies
• RFK Jr raised over $100 million to study food allergies
• The way they give allergies to rats is by injecting them with an aluminum adjuvant + protein from an allergen (peanut, casein, latex, etc.)
• Proteins already in vaccines include gluten and animal proteins.
• Also makes you allergic to things you encounter in the ambient environment after you get the shot, such as pollen, foods you eat, etc.
• Physicians are not trained to recognize vaccine injury. They don’t connect the dots for long term injury.
• Allergies are not listed as side effects on vaccines.
• Hep B shot causes food allergies
• Allergic reactions such as eczema, asthma, and anaphylaxis appeared in generation born after 1989.
• 50 studies re: vax vs unvax. Every study says vaccinated kids are much less healthy than unvaccinated kids, with ear infections, autism, juvenile arthritis, juvenile diabetes, hospitalizations…
• Autism didn’t exist before vaccines. 2002 – 1 in 150 children with autism; Now – 1 in 34. Now 3.5 million kids have autism.
• Late 70s, early 80s the DTP vaccine caused an explosion in SIDs cases and older kids getting encephalopathy, autism, dying.
• Wyeth DTP vaccine – they were losing $20 from every $1 from legal litigation. They said vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” and we cannot make vaccines safe so they threatened Congress to shield them. Ronald Reagan passed the Vaccine Act in 1985. If vaccines are safe why do they need shielding from liability?
• Now there is no incentive to make vaccines safe, because now they cannot be sued.
• If they are safe why do they need shielding from liability?
• If they can cause chronic injury, then pharmaceutical companies have a customer for life.
• Vaccines cause grievous injuries, negligent, toxic ingredients
• The biggest cost of every medical product is the downstream litigation
• Now they have a product that is immune to those astronomical costs and exempt from safety testing which costs usually = $250 million and takes 5 years.
• After Vaccine Act of 1985, there was a Gold Rush for biologics and other vaccines –
• Pharmaceutical companies took control of the CDC and mandated all the vaccines for diseases that aren’t a threat
• We went from 3 vaccines to 72 doses now given to children.
• Then there was an enormous explosion in chronic childhood diseases – ADD, ADHD, speech delays, tics, Tourette syndrome, narcolepsy, autism…on and on.
• There are no adults in their 60s and older with autism — it is a new phenomenon.
• Making a fortune on epidemics: $60 billion on vaccines; $500 billion selling treatments for diseases that vaccines caused.
• Measles – treatment is a week in bed, Vitamin A, soup – none of these things can be patented.
• The MMR vaccine causes a lifetime of diseases including epilepsy, Crohn’s disease, IBS. The side effects listed on the MMR vaccine insert include autism.
• You can sue vaccine makers for fraud. The only way you can sue vaccine companies is if they know the side effects and they are not honest so they have to actually list them for immunity.
• Pharmaceutical companies make medications to treat all the side effects that their vaccines cause.
• You can sue a doctor if they fail to warn you about side effects. They must read the insert to you before giving you the vaccine.
• Other toxins that widely affect children include fluoride and glyphosate.
• Patents for microchips were applied for years ago to track us. Keeps track of passwords, vaccine status, passports, drivers license, going outside, every move you make. Here it is: they are doing it now. Coming after us.
• Gates is not in it for the money, he is already worth over $100 billion. He is in it because he’s interested in population control especially among black and colored people. He knows the severe consequences, dangers of vaccines.
• Bill Gates is a tyrant, a devil in disguise of a mild-mannered philanthropist.