Home Health Diet & Nutrition Milk: It Does A Body Bad

Milk: It Does A Body Bad

Milk Infographic

The dairy industry is remarkably good at PR. It has Americans believing that drinking milk is good for them, maybe even necessary. It’s not true.

They use the slimiest marketing tactics to trick the American public. Did you know that 2% milk is actually 35% fat (that is 35% of the calories are derived from fat)? Fat is what causes coronary artery disease and diabetes. Dairy products along with animal protein are what cause breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer. Milk contains casein, a protein that is one of the most carcinogenic compounds in the human diet.

Americans consume the most cow’s milk in the world, yet we have the most osteoporosis.  Question authority!  We must make the connection that dairy is acidifying to the body and leaches calcium from the bones. We are also the only mammals that drink the milk of another mammal — it doesn’t make sense!

Are dairy products worth the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and countless other diseases and disorders?

Milk Infographic